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“Come unto me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest”   Jesus

Enjoy Fellowship, Coffee and a Snack after Sunday Worship

Our ministry

Sunday Worship    -   Sunday  9:00 AM

Our regular Sunday worship service with musical celebration, scripture, and Pastor's insight into God’s Holy Word.

Children's Church   -  Sunday 9:00 AM

Classes available for preschool through adults.  Our program runs every Sunday.

Kid’s Klub    -   Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00 PM

Our popular after school program is held from September through March.

Family Fellowship   -   Check our Calendar

An important focus for our congregation.  Many Activities are designed to bring families together for fun and fellowship.  Whether it is our annual Picnic in the Park, or our Christmas Music Program, it is our desire to draw families closer to each other and to the Lord.

Bible Study   -   TBA

A program geared towards both men and women meeting each week from September through May.

Women’s Fellowship   -   Check our Calendar

A very active group, they meet monthly beginning in August and continuing through June. With a heart for missions, as well as helping local families in need, the Women’s Fellowship is involved in activities that utilize the spiritual gifts God has given to each of its members. Whether it is rug making, or hosting the popular fall Festival and Bazaar (4th Thursday in October), our ladies actively seek to be God’s ambassadors to Bureau and the surrounding communities.

Cancer Support Team   -   Check our Calendar

We make donations during the year in support of Cops 4 Cancer.

First Congregational Church of Bureau